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Holley Model 1931 Rebuild
Sooner or later, your car will need to have its carburetor rebuilt. 10-15
years ago when carbureted cars where common, finding someone to rebuild one
was no big deal but now, it is much more difficult to find someone who can
do the work. The good news is that if your car has a Holley model 1931 one
barrel (many
6 cylinder AMC's from the mid to late 60'a have one) you have one of the
easiest carburetors to rebuild. Other common one barrel carburetors AMC used
in the 60'a are the Holley 1920 (very similar to the 1931 but the fuel bowl
is a rectangle instead of a pentagon like the 1932) and Carter RBS
(completely different animal). It was time for Kermit's to be rebuilt again
so follow along as I tear it down, check everything, and put it all back
together again.
Here is what a Holley model 1931 looks like:

Carburetor Removal
Note: It is recommending that you adjust the ignition
system prior to removing the carburetor. This will make it much easier to
get the car running when the rebuild is complete.
Before you can start with the actual rebuild, you need to remove the
carburetor from the car. To do that, you'll need the following tools:
- 1/2" flare nut wrench
- 5/8" flare nut wrench
- 3/8" flare nut wrench or a 3/8" combination wrench
- 9/16" socket wrench with a built in universal joint or a 9/16"
combination wrench
- needle-nose pliers
- shop rags
- razor blades or gasket scraper
- Flat head screw driver or pliers
- A container to hold fuel
Here is how to remove the carburetor:
- Make sure the engine is cold. Chances are very good that you will
spill some fuel and the last thing you want is a bunch of fuel dumped
onto the exhaust.
- Remove the air cleaner and set it aside. You do not need to remove
the PCV breather hose. You can gently turn the hose in the valve cover
enough to get it out of the way. Note: do not try and
remove the hose from the air cleaner unless you remove the PVC breather
filter from it first. If you try to remove the hose with filter in
place, you will destroy the hose. These hoses are hard to find in good
- Disconnect the fuel inlet line at the carburetor. The flare nut on
the line takes a 1/2" flare nut wrench and the fitting on the carburetor
(that's the needle valve assembly) takes a 5/8" wrench. Always use a
wrench on both fittings or you will bend the fuel line.
- Disconnect the choke tube at the carburetor with a 1/2" flare nut
wrench. Once the nut is off of the choke hosing, you can gently wiggle
the tube out of the manifold. Warning! The factory
insulted these choke tubes with asbestos. If the insulation on it is
starting to fray or is otherwise damaged, you should replace the factory
tube with an aftermarket one. Those are available in the Help! section
of your favorite auto parts store.
- Using either a 3/8" flare nut or combination wrench, remove the
vacuum advance line from the carburetor.
- Remove the PCV hose from the adapter under the carburetor. The
factory clamp was a spring clamp you can remove with a pair of pliers
but it may have been replaced with a regular hose clamp at some point.
Warning! Do not fight the hose if it is stuck. The
adapter is made from phenolic plastic and they can be very brittle from
age. This is another one of those parts that is hard to find.
- Using the needle nose pliers, remove the hairpin clip (this may have
been replaced with a cotter pin) from the throttle rod. Remove the
spring and washer from the carburetor. Pull the throttle rod out of the
- Remove the throttle return spring.
- Remove the two 9/16" nuts holding the carburetor to the engine and
remove the carburetor from the engine.
- Remove the PCV adapter. If it is tight to the engine, you can leave
it in place since it may be brittle.
- Invert the carburetor and drain the fuel bowl through the vents on
- Cover the opening in the intake manifold with shop rags to keep junk
out of the engine.
- Using a razor blade or gasket scraper, remove all of the old gasket
from the intake manifold.
Congratulations! You have now removed the carburetor and you are ready to
take it apart and inspect it.
Continue to carburetor disassembly.
Last Updated
05/16/10 07:09:53 PM |